apple tv tutorial


Method 1:


  1. You need install iPlayTV from Apple TV app store . it Cost 5.99 USD

  2. Select ADD Playlist

  3. click on Xtream server method which provide you more feature like EPG and play list auto update

  4. You need enter the Xtream server details: Server URL ,Username and password which are provided. then click save and the playlist will be seen!

Method 2:

GSE Smart iptv

  1. You need install GSE smart iptv from Apple TV app store. it is a free app

  2. in the list on the left, click on remote playlists

  3. click on the + sign on the top right corner

  4. in the first field, write any playlist name you want. in the second field, write the playlist link (m3u) that is sent to you.

  5. click ok and the playlist will be seen!